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How can gold cushion the fall of the Greek economy?

Global Inter Gold | About Company

 How can gold cushion the fall of the Greek economy?

After the referendum of early July Greece has distanced itself from its relationship with gold, though the precious metal always keeps an ace up its sleeve to help economies in every sort of situation.
Experts on economy all over the world have shared a wide variety of views on the situation of Greece and the scenarios that both possible answers could lead to, in the global market as well in the gold market. Nonetheless, the issue that should have reached an end long ago, still hangs in the air.
The negative situation of Greece has been supporting gold prices since the Troika put a deadline for the debt payment. But faced with the impossibility of paying the debt without literally breaking the banks, the position of the Hellenic country nowadays is far from being cut and dried.
Now the question is whether the almost unanimous “OXI” (the “no) to the Troika's ideas will compound the misery of the country or will truly help Greece reach an agreement that doesn't lead into disaster.
The whole situation has led to a loss of credibility in the euro that has attracted investors towards the dollar. Given investors seek for short-term returns, the appeal of gold has also faded and the demand for gold has been sluggish since the beginning of the summer month.
A mass of shareholders seem cautious with the growing trend the dollar shows, as bull markets tend to be followed by a crash and the U.S economy is not as strong as it should to fully support the currency. Therefore, many resort to the argument of gold being a natural economy parachute to take whenever the rest of currencies are in free fall.
The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop provides high quality physical gold bars under profitable conditions, which are becoming a comfortable seat for clients all over the world who seek for confidence in the future and tranquility of mind.

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Physical gold or paper gold? Indians choose

Global Inter Gold | About Company

Global InterGold: Physical gold or paper gold? Indians choose

This July, the Indian government has sounded a warning bell regarding the flow of black money in the country, and has decided to attack down the flank, particularly in gold. The country that shares with China first places in gold demandworldwide could start buying paper gold soon.
What would be the influence of this change in the gold market? Will the country accept it?
The battle against undeclared money is a long-standing issue that the Indian authorities are willing to remove once and for all. Now they believe to have hit the nail finding the root of the problem and its solution: one of the practices to hide dirty money is the purchase of gold jewelery, so much the order of the day in this nation.
This is the argument put forward by Narendra Modi's government when explaining why it is relevant to increase the transparency of such purchases and change the trend of gold jewelry for that of paper gold. Another rule is that, for buying gold worth more than nearly $1,580, the Indian people will have to hold PAN cards (Permanent Account Number).
The jewelry trade strongly believes a more controlled purchase of gold jewelry will not stop others from having black money, and instead will impede inhabitants from storing their wealth in a safe way. That is why, a spokesman of All India Gems and Jewelery Trade Federation declared that no jeweler will deny a person to buy gold just for not having the card.
For now there is no final decision on PAN cards, though if there will be, jewelers have already started issuing small invoices and informal receipts as an alternative for the purchase of the precious metal.
Bearing in mind that out of 1.25 billion inhabitants, just 140 million have PAN cards, and the fact that buying gold jewelry is a well-entrenched tradition in the Asian country, the public opinion is certainly reluctant to accept this proposal.
Besides, the intentions to change the nearly 300 tonnes of gold demand per year for bonds linked to gold bars' price – paper gold - and give away the gold stored at home, are options that haven't even entered their heads. Not just tradition, but also the well-known role of physical gold to ensure confidence in the future are key in this issue.
Global InterGold Online Gold Shop satisfies the world's appetite for physical gold bars of the highest quality. Clients all over the world have the chance to buy the precious metal under the most profitable conditions and create their own wealth.

Follow the latest advances and developments in the gold market!

Follow the golden rabbit!

Global InterGold: Follow the golden rabbit! [Show on Hatena Bookmark]

Gold has always been covered in an aura of mystery. The story told in this article serves as an example of how valuable gold is and how strongly do people wish to get it.
They say that those who have read the story about the golden rabbit have started attracting gold and money to their lives...
This amazing story started with the publishing of the children's book “Masquerade” in 1979 by the English writer Kit Williams. At first sight is an ordinary book, but nothing is further from the truth.
The book told the story of a rabbit who had to give gold as a gift to the Sun, but he lost it on its way. What's curious about the book is that the author made a big golden pendant in the shape of a rabbit and hid it, leaving hints to its location in the illustrations of the book.
In no time, hundreds of people rushed to look for the treasure, although nobody succeeded in finding the rabbit. Only two years later, a man called Thomas Kent had the luck to become the owner of the treasure, except for that luck was a friend of William who told him the exact location of the golden rabbit.
The writer was sad the prize had been won in an unfair way, but nothing could be done. Only, by a coincidence of destiny, after several years a niece of the person who bought the rabbit at an auction from Thomas contacted the writer's descendants via BBC channel.
Apart from the English book, there is an Italian version which also contains hints for finding the location of another gold treasure in Italy. This time, the prize was won in a fair play, and the winner overcame difficult obstacles before getting to the golden treasure.
This story is a brilliant illustration of the fact that the intention to obtain gold is not something of the past, on the contrary, but also today's trend. The only difference is in the fact that nowadays people prefer to care about their financial welfare and buy gold in the form of bars instead of seeking for adventures.
Global InterGold renders its clients investment gold bars of the highest quality and fineness. Gold bars underlie the financial welfare and stability and can be obtained by anyone, not only lucky people.
Share this amazing story in your social networks and do not deprive people of the opportunity to know about the best way to buy gold!

Gold coins depicting unicorns are a symbol of luck

Global InterGold: Gold coins depicting unicorns are a symbol of luck

The unicorn is a mythical animal, which since ancient times has starred numerous legends in several countries. What is the connection between this luck-bringing legendary animal and gold?
Today's article tells about different gold coins depicting this fairy creature. What is so special about these coins? Learn it from the article!
Unicorns are mythical creatures to which are referred in the cultures of both Europe and Asia. They symbolize purity, magnificence and wisdom. In some civilizations it is believed that seeing a unicorn in a dream mean future great luck and success; a symbolism closely related to that of gold.
The unicorn is the symbol of Scotland. During the reign of James III in the second half of the 15th Century, it was issued a coin with the grabbing of a unicorn for the first time. The weigh of the coin was 3.81 grams, fineness 847 and its price was 18 shillings, the former coin of the United Kingdom.
However, in the first half of the 16th Century, during the reign of James V of Scotland, the price of the coin started growing, given the increasing value of the precious metal. Another historical example of gold price increase in the course of time.
Now the value of gold coins is more appreciated by collectors and history lovers. Although the value of gold itself stands stable worldwide. Particularly, gold in the form of bars is the chosen one among those who aim at increasing their capital and protect their funds.
The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop renders its clients the real, not mythical opportunity to reach success by buying physical investment gold bars of the highest quality and fineness. It is the modern approach to solving financial problems.
If you believe in real opportunities to reach success and financial welfare, then share this article in your social networks!

Why has the Online Gold Shop obtained the new name of Global InterGold?

Global Inter Gold | About Company

Why has the Online Gold Shop obtained the new name of Global InterGold?
Why has the Online Gold Shop obtained the new name of Global InterGold?
Over the last years, trading with physical gold bars has become a global trend. The number of people using gold to safeguard and increase their capital appears to be on the increase day by day. History already granted gold the title of money protection, and another step is being taken to consolidate its position in the world economy.
The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop strives to comply with all worldwide standards and satisfy clients' demands in the best possible way. The administration aims not only at improving working tools, goods and services, but also the brand under which the Online Gold Shop works. Our name talks about the origins and main activity of the shop. It states that:
  1. We and our clients have chosen the stable market segment of bullion, for the trade of physical gold;
  2. We work on an international level, which means that our product is available in any country;
  3. Our ideas unite successful and far-sighted people all around the planet.
We highly appreciate the confidence our clients have placed in us and therefore, we are willing to supply them goods and services of the highest quality regardless of their country.
We are always pleased to welcome you to the new international shop!
Our objective is to never stop moving forward and improving our Online Gold Shop, including services and marketing tools.
We offer you the best terms and opportunities for a safe purchase and selling of the most demanded asset of the 21st century: physical gold bars. We look forward to our long-term and productive cooperation in the future! The customer relationship and reputation are fundamental pillars!
We are happy to provide our service and support in every corner of the planet!
Enjoy your purchases together with Global InterGold.

Read more: The clients of Global InterGold had the time of their lives on board the luxurious River Lounge boat!


現実に戻って来て、信頼性のある事実が購入する際に念頭にされなければならないものであり  、投資金を。それは軽く取られるべきではない決定です。
  1. スポット価格と比較して、より低い保険料:  それは主に依存althoughtそれはあなたが、金の延べ棒、金貨などのために支払うとしようとしている現在のスポット価格以上のプレミアムを忘れてはならない、投資金の最高の価格を探して市場と歴史に沿って、例外があったが、金の延べ棒の購入は金貨と比較してスポットを超える低い保険料で保証されています。
  2. 品質:  その真正性を証明するためにコインをかむの時代は終わっており、純度、品質、有効性が一目で証明することができる製品への道を与えています。そのために、金のバーはプロデューサーの名前に加え、その表面に刻印カラットを持っています。
  3. バラエティ:  金貨はそれらを一意に異なる図面や彫刻で、より審美的な外観を提供していますが、ほとんどの専門家は、金の延べ棒を思い出させて、重みの様々な上での焦点を絞るためにバイヤーを示唆しているこの問題で、より広い範囲を持っています。一以上の追加の利点がある:グラム当たりの価格より安く、金の延べ棒重いです。
  4. 要求は: ほとんどの専門家のための  金の分野で専門知識を持つ、金貨は、主のために手足に出て残され  た時間が来るとき、その値はその所有者に役立つかもしれないが、情熱的なコレクター。しかし、ビューの金融問題で実用的な人々のために、金の延べ棒は、個人の金準備金の作成 ​​のための日の順序であり、個々の資本を増加させます。



少数の人々がなる 緑の木々 、噴水、ジェットコースターや黄金の鹿の彫刻を想像するが、それは古い金鉱山の場所に位置する遊園地ゴールドリーフシティの現実です。


まず、博物館  の金採掘  の展示を含め、すべての訪問者に金鉱山の全体的なプロセスについて説明し  、液体金属が注がれた樽や詳細のすべての並べ替え。





M arvelous  ボート·レストランリバーラウンジは暖かくグローバルInterGoldオンラインゴールドショップ、物理的な金の延べ棒を販売する店の提示を祝うために、その基板上の金の文化の代表を歓迎しました。これは、サックスの音楽を伴ってネヴァ川沿いクライアントの最初の旅でした。
6月21日、その日の進水式とプレゼンテーションの後に  グローバルInterGold オンラインゴールドショップ、エレガントで豪華な川ラウンジボートはすでに貴金属で彼らの信頼によって結ばクライアントを集めた場所となりました。


  • お祝いのディナー、フレンドリーな雰囲気と活気のある通信
  • ロシアの街で最高のDJやプロのサックス奏者の一
  • の上にダンスフロア 川ラウンジ  ボート。
  • 火災  ショー ネヴァ川の土手に。
  • 全体夕方を通して珍味。

金宝物は過去のものですか?決して。最近金の延べ棒の胸は、ドイツで発見されました! この宝の所有者は誰であり、そのコストは何ですか?ニュース記事の詳細を見つけて下さい!



それはどこに保存した方がよい  金の棒を

ビルダーは、順番に、メディアは、それがこの宝のコストはほぼ1 000 000ユーロであったことが報告されたされたと呼ばれる警察を呼ばれる。  貴重な発見が街の警察によって押収されたが、後に土地の所有者には与えられました問題の詳細が見つかるまでの金を保存するために許可します。 現時点では、金の延べ棒」胸の正当な所有者についての情報がないが、警察はそれに取り組んでいます。





興味深いことに、彼らは22カラットで金のある特定の種類の、好む  ではなく、24カラットを。インド人は金と特別黄金の宝石のために彼らの愛のために有名であり、そのため金は、純粋とは、宝石の強度と耐久性を確保するために、混合剤を必要としていることはできません。
あなたが金融の安定を確保し、資本を増加させるためのツールとしての金に興味を持っている場合は、必要があり  、投資金の購入  バーグローバルInterGoldオンラインゴールドショップで最高の品質と繊度を。あなた自身の個人的な金の準備金を作成し、あなたの純資産を増加させます!

The clients of Global InterGold had the time of their lives on board the luxurious River Lounge boat!

The clients of Global InterGold had the time of their lives on board the luxurious River Lounge boat!
The clients of Global InterGold had the time of their lives on board the luxurious River Lounge boat!

The ceremonial launch of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop ended up with a festive dinner.

The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop renders its clients contemporary conditions for the purchase and selling of gold bars with additional income-generating opportunities. These opportunities are picking up steam and becoming popular among all those who are not afraid to take the lead in their life and make the most of market's opportunities.

The ceremonial launch of the Online Gold Shop held in Saint Peterburg on June 20 was followed by a festive dinner, to which guests were invited, on board of one of the most luxurious boat restaurants, the River Lounge.

Surprises for the guests of the event

Being on the board of this splendid boat, the clients could taste the most exquisite plates that emerged from the boat's floor in an awe-inspiring platform, while also enjoying the city landscape. All this accompanied with the musical notes of a saxophone which sounded along the Neva River. And the surprises were not over!

After the meal, right on the roof of the boat, one of the best Djs in the city picked up the baton up from the saxophonist and made every conference participant dance. When the boat docked the clients, full of expectation, prepared to presence an exotic spectacle of juggling tricks and fire which amazed them all and made them burst into applause.

After the fire show, the guests returned to the boat full of joy and energy to continue the celebration with delicious desserts, courtesy of the chef, together with tea and coffee.

What is going to happen in the future?

The launch of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop was the first step of a succession of events. This launch and the improved approach to trade of physical gold bars have been possibile thanks to the longstanding experience in the gold market, exhaustive researches, and the use of cutting-edge technologies.

The solid basis of the Online Gold Shop will lead clients all over the world to a wealthy future!

Keep track of events and be the first to know all details about the Global InterGold gold world!
Read the review about the official part of the event:

The ceremonial launch of the new Global InterGold Online Gold Shop has been a success!

The ceremonial launch of the new Global InterGold Online Gold Shop has been a success!

The meaning of gold is becoming more significant day by day, and its demand grows along. Most people and companies acquire this precious metal given its beauty and appeal, but gold can be the strongest shield, the most reliable safe-haven asset against economic negative factors. 

The field chosen by the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop is swiftly gaining ground and popularity owing to both its reliability and availability. Physical investment gold bars measured in grams are one of the simplest, most profitable and reasonable ways of protecting one's capital with gold. In addition, the product has become even more worthwhile owing to the marketing incentive's program and Internet technologies.

The launch of the Online Gold Shop was awaited by businessmen of 5 continents.

The presentation was devoted to the Global InterGold, the Online Gold Shop which gives people all over the world the opportunity to buy physical gold bars to protect their personal finances. Gold bars ensure stability and confidence in future.
The event took place in one of the most luxurious hotels of Russia, Taleon Imperial Hotel, famous for housing such celebrities as John Travolta, Patricia Kaas, the Queen of Denmark, Margrethe II, the President of Congo, and Denis Sassou Nguesso.
This place gathered representatives of different countries and cultures of the world! People from Mexico, Spain, Italy, France, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine and Germany arrived to Russia to participate in the presentation of the new Global InterGold Online Gold Shop.

Global InterGold Presentation in Saint Petersburg
Clients from all over the world decided to become part of this historic event, and drew their attention to the main talked-about trend, the purchase and selling of physical gold bars.

The course of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop presentation.

Many arrived a few days earlier to enjoy other parts of the event, such as a touristic visit to admire the breathtaking beauty of the Russian city, record videos, take photos and share their impressions about the upcoming event. 

The organizers of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop presentation prepared a rich program for the participants which included:
  • Launch of the new Global InterGold Online Gold Shop
  • Setting high goals and objectives for the Online Gold Shop
  • Introduce the president of the Global iGold company
  • Presentation of the GoldSet marketing incentives program
  • The Golden Cake ceremony. (The cake had the shape of a gold bar and a globe together with the name of the Online Gold Shop)
  • Ceremonial dinner party and discussions about future plans and development
 Global InterGold clients meeting at Taleon Imperial Hotel
Years of experience and research of the market and requirements of contemporary consumers have been key aspects that helped launch the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop and organize such a large-scale event with an outstanding presentation and rich event program. 
The main idea of the  Global InterGold Online Gold Shop is to build a whole new level of international business as well as satisfying clients' needs. It is a timely development of the strategy for the nearest future and, at the same time, a reliable basis for working in the long term. The Online Gold Shop strives for a long-term cooperation with its clients,ensuring them opportunities of a stable and fruitful work. 

Soon you will know the details about the unofficial part of the event. Stay with us and learn more about the lives of the representatives of the gold culture of the XXI century, the people who made their way to the peak of one of the most rapidly growing economic systems of the world.
Let's achieve a golden success!

Global InterGold clients meeting on the official presentation

The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop presentation has been a historic event!

The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop presentation has been a historic event!  [Show on Hatena Bookmark]

Businessmen from Italy, Mexico, France, Spain, Israel, South Korea, Japan… arrived at the cultural capital of Russia to become part of the new history of gold. It was the launching of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop, which sells physical investment gold bars, what began this era of gold.
Learn more details about the grand launch!
The world is at the threshold of major changes, and gold is the key to open that door. Since time immemorial, gold has been indicator of status, power and wealth; wealth on its own; and nowadays the protector of wealth.
The concept of saving and multiplying capital via selling and buying gold is not an innovation, it has been done by humanity for several decades. Now it is a cutting-edge trend available for everyone aimed at improving the overall standard of living of people.
This concept is the basis of the new Global InterGold Online Gold Shop, whose activity is to provide the precious metal in the form of physical investment gold bars that fit easily in every pocket. The launch of the Online Gold Shop Global InterGold is a huge step in the development of the gold business, and the reaching of a high international level for which the company has strived along the years.
Learn the details of the launching ceremony of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop.
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